2020 🇺🇸  Election Tracker

By Matt Harvey

Last updated:


The Path to 270



Called Biden
Projected Biden
Projected Trump
Called Trump

The height of the bar is the average forecasted probability of winning that state (see below).

Projections & Calls

Projections are pre-election forecasts and are not updated as election results come in. States called by AP are indicated with checkmarks.

StateFavoriteFiveThirtyEightThe EconomistAverage
← less confident
more confident →

Called Races

Calls come directly from the Ethereum blockchain as they're made by the AP.

Disclaimers & disclosures

This website is not an endorsement of either candidate. Nor does it attempt to make its own forecasts or predictions. There is no analysis or punditry here, either. Just the data in what I think is a fast, clear, concise form.

One technical thing to keep in mind is that we can't exactly test the election results as they're called by the AP on the blockchain since... well, they haven't been called yet. If there are any issues, we'll notify you at the top of the site and are standing by to fix issues as they come up.

What is this?

This is a hobby project. I made it because I wanted to see this data exactly how it's presented here, and I wanted election night results as quickly as possible.

Design goals

  • Simple data visualizations - Keep the amount of data as minimal as possible, while still telling a compelling story leading to and on election night.
  • Fast, no BS site - Like the data, keep the site clean, fast, pixel- and ad-free. Load and update fast.
  • Extreme time boxing - Limit dev work to 4 hours total. (Update: gathering the data and building the main site fell within that constraint, but then I spent another few hours on polish and things like this section.)

How is it made?

The data is all credit to the hard work by the people at The Economist and FiveThirtyEight. You should probably be looking at their sites on election night instead of this one.

From a tech perspectice, it's a React app that uses Next.js. It's hosted on Vercel. It uses Firebase Firestore for the database. AP election results are pulled directly from the Ethereum blockchain, courtesy of Everipedia.